Ovulation Test Kit

Ovulation Test Kit

Ovulation Test Kit is an immunochromatographic assay designed for the rapid detection of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. The test is used to obtain a visual qualitative result. The strips give accurate results and the calculators do perfectly.

This LH kit is also known as an ovulation predictor kit (OPK). It is a strip. It detached the LH hormone in Female urine. The pick time of this hormone is about 24 to 36 hours. 

Product Feature (Each pouch Contains)

  • Name: LH Ovulation Test strip
  • A small urine container
  • A Silica Fek
  • Length: 4.0mm
  • One manual
About ovulation

It is known as the luteinizing hormone (mature fertilized egg) released from an adult women body (ovary) in the middle of the menstrual cycle. couples can try this time conceive means pregnancy.

Menstrual cycle

It begins on the first day of the period and ends on the day before your next period starts. The average length is around 28 days.

Estimated ovulation day

Calculation of ovulation day is very simple. After 14 days of menstrual cycle estimate the day of ovulation.


  • The Kit checks the level of LH hormone in urine.
  • It gives sharp results and calculators perfectly.

How to Use

  • Remove the packet, there is a cassette on it.
  • Put 5 drops of urine in the selected place.
  • To get the result, wait for five minutes.


Ovulation Test Result

Ovulation Test Kit for LH Hormone | 7 Pcs | Price ৳ 700


Stock: Available
SKU: UB9126
Price: 700
Quantity: 7 Pcs

Ovulation Test Kit is a Fertility monitoring tool that rapidly detects an increase in LH hormone in women urine. We sell it from our shop at a low price in Bangladesh.

Name : Ovulation Test Strip
Brand : Golden Time
Quantity : 7 Strips
Benefits : Help to identify fertility time.
Result : 99.9%
Gender : Female
Home check : Yes
Test Duration : 2-3 Minutes
Made In : China
What is in the box : Total 7 Strips in a box of Ovulation Test for Accurate Calculator to detect an increase in LH hormone.